Monday, March 29, 2004

BBC NEWS | Magazine | Bargain hunt's sting in the tail: "Thousands of Britons are cashing in on exchange rates by shopping in the US for expensive items like iPods, digital cameras, or designer clothes. But many who think they have found bargains are falling foul of the law which requires them to pay duty on any purchase over �145. "
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Sea 'dead zones' threaten fish: "Oxygen depletion: Set to have a big impact in the 21st century"

Monday, March 22, 2004

Telus Mobility to carry Worlds first Fastap mobile handset : Mobile Phones : MobileMag
BBC NEWS | Africa | Billy's journey: Crossing the Sahara: "Billy, 41, from Guinea, tells the extraordinary tale of how he crossed the Sahara Desert to reach Morocco, where he smuggled himself into the Spanish enclave of Ceuta. He is now working in Italy, where he has been given a residence permit, and has just been back to see his family for the first time since he set out on his adventure more than four years ago."

Sunday, March 21, 2004

"Boycott Clear Channel and Get Howard Stern Back on the Air"

hosted on the web by our free online petition service, at:

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to reply to this message.

Your signature number for this petition is 5197.
Free Stern: "Play 'Free Stern Anthem' as featured on The Howard Stern Show
Lyrics and music by Barbara's Bush

Stern: Caught in a Booby Trap
by Chris Gordon

It doesn't take an Oliver Stone to figure out that Clear Channel's decision to take The Howard Stern Show off the air in six markets was the result of more fallout over Janet Jackson exposing herself on the boob tube. The same way President Bush used 9/11 to blindside Americans into going back to war in Iraq, the FCC is milking Janet's breast."
Save The Howard Stern Show!!! During the week of February 23rd, 2004, not only did Infinity Broadcasting send down a zero tolerance edict to it's stations that could virtually or actually result in Howard being fired from the air, but Clear Channel removed the Howard Stern Show from six of it's stations. And all because Janet Jackson showed PART of her breast during the Super Bowl. I don't blame Jackson for the resulting backlash. Part of the blame can be placed on the FCC and reactionary puritanical individuals or politicians of any party who go too far in towing some "indecency intolerance" position swaying whichever way the political winds blow to get votes inspite of rights and freedoms that are guaranteed by the constitution. Those people and also religious zealots are to blame for trying to dictate to the rest of the country what they can or cannot see or hear on radio or tv that was previously acceptable for years but now all of a sudden is not.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Low-tech 'hack' takes fizz out of Pepsi-iTunes promo | CNET It doesn't take a code breaker or a math whiz to lift songs from Apple Computer's iTunes online music store--it just takes a good pair of eyes and a trip to the corner store.

Monday, March 15, 2004

Researchers: Stem Cells May Cure Baldness SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Research showing that bald mice can grow hair after being implanted with a type of stem cell could lead to a cure for baldness, a group of scientists says.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004 - Ipod Used In Domestic Homicide - Mar. 05, 2004: "A Memphis woman was arrested and charged with first-degree murder after she bludgeoned her boyfriend to death with an iPod."

Monday, March 08, 2004

APOD: 2004 February 29 - Julius Caesar and Leap Days: "February 29th is a leap day - a relatively rare occurrence. In 46 BC, Julius Caesar, pictured above in a self-decreed minted coin, created a calendar system that added one leap day every four years. Acting on advice by Alexandrian astronomer Sosigenes, Caesar did this to make up for the fact that the Earth's year is slightly more than 365 days. In modern terms, the time it takes for the Earth to circle the Sun is slightly more than the time it takes for the Earth to rotate 365 times (with respect to the Sun -- actually we now know this takes about 365.24219 rotations). So, if calendar years contained 365 days they would drift from the actual year by about 1 day every 4 years. Eventually July (named posthumously for Julius Caesar himself) would occur during the northern hemisphere winter! By adopting a leap year with an extra day every four years, the calendar year would drift much less. This Julian Calendar system was used until the year 1582 when Pope Gregory XIIIprovided further fine-tuning when he added that leap days should not occur in years ending in 'OO', unless divisible by 400. This Gregorian Calendar system is the one in common use today. "
BBC NEWS | Technology | More than just a pretty interface Dr Bull is one of the few academics, possibly the only one, to spend time researching what owners of iPods and other music players do with their gadgets, why they listen to them and what difference they make to their lives. He started investigating what people do with music players because he realised it was an area that had been neglected by other students of culture.

Sunday, March 07, 2004

4/3 - Matt M - Another MPx video! :: MTekk IT Services - Specialists in Server-Based Computing and Microsoft PDA Phones: "Another MPx video!

Matt M drools over a video showing every inch of the Motorola Pocket PC Phone ...

Thanks to our friends at Mobile Gadget News, we've been pointed to a new video of the Windows Mobile 2003 based MPx. The video, which appears to be that of a demo unit (much as you'd see in mobile phone stores, where the device itself doesn't operate, but the physical attributes are accurately reproduced), is provided by It depicts more or less every aspect of the phone - other than the actual operation of Windows Mobile - and seeing it handled in person is even better (to me) than the previous previous videos, which looked like somewhat more 'marketing' focused."

Saturday, March 06, 2004

MOBILE-DREAMS - Motorola MPx le plus petit PDA /téléphone More Motorola MPx300
How Industry Won the Battle of Pollution Control at E.P.A.: "Just six weeks into the Bush administration, Haley Barbour, a former Republican party chairman who was a lobbyist for electric power companies, sent a memorandum to Vice President Dick Cheney laying down a challenge.

'The question is whether environmental policy still prevails over energy policy with Bush-Cheney, as it did with Clinton-Gore,' Mr. Barbour wrote, and called for measures to show that environmental concerns would no longer 'trump good energy policy"

BBC NEWS | Americas | Brazil's 'last playboy' bows out
: "The man regarded as Brazil's last playboy, famous for dating a string of film stars, has died at the age of 88."

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Danger to unveil prototype device | CNET
The Register: "Danger's new Hiptop: even more impressive in real life

In short, the device is longer, thinner and a little more rectangular than the first generation Hiptop. It's much more usable as a phone, however, with dedicated call and hang-up buttons that with characteristic Danger ingenuity, nestle around a more discreet, redesigned wheel. Which also doubles up as the earpiece. Over on the left are the familiar Menu and Jump keys, but are joined by a new D-pad. "
Video of Motorola�s MPx300 Pocket PC Phone - engadget: Cell Phones - Over at, some video clips of the MPx300, Motorola’s eminently buzzworthy new dual-hinged Pocket PC Phone with a built-in QWERTY keyboard, a 1.3 megapixel digital camera, WiFi, and Bluetooth.
Not a Picture of the New Hiptop, a Picture FROM It - - "Last week Danger showed off their new Hiptop by appointment only at 3GSM in Cannes. Journalists were allowed to write about the new device, but not allowed to take pictures of it. Here�s what we know: the device is thinner, and a bit longer. On the face, the new model has a couple of new buttons, a new speaker and mic, and we hear there�s a new screen that looks much better [Editor�s note - turns out this isn�t the case]. But the big news is that the camera is finally built in (with an LED flash), and apparently it�s VGA quality. One of the prominent member Hiptopper took a picture with his new baby and posted it to Hiptop Nation, then whoops, Danger asked him remove to the pic. He did, but that didn�t stop a loyal devotee from posting it to his own site. "

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Khoury Construction: "MEET THE TEAM" Priceless web content of Khoury Construction. Size and Performance
Microsoft® Windows® XP operating system gives you the performance and functionality of your favorite PC applications in the palm of your hand:
Full Windows XP Home/Professional operating system
1 GHz processor
256 MB system DRAM
30 GB hard drive
3D graphics with 8MB video DRAM
5.8" x 4.0" x 1.0" (148mm x 101mm x 26mm)
Weighs under 1.0 lb (450g)
USB 2.0 port

Monday, March 01, 2004

BBC NEWS | Americas | America: An empire built on sand? : "In the final episode of his six-part series entitled Age of Empire, the BBC's Jonathan Marcus examines the challenges which lie ahead for the world's greatest power."