Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Wired 13.09: The Super Network

Wired 13.09: The Super Network

GoogleOS? YahooOS? MozillaOS? WebOS? (

GoogleOS? YahooOS? MozillaOS? WebOS? (

Making of a Brick

Making of a Brick How Legos are made, pretty sweet flash interactive demo.

Ergodex DX-1 Input System reviewed - Engadget -

Ergodex DX-1 Input System reviewed - Engadget -

Sprint Precision Locator keeps track of employees via GPS - Engadget -

Sprint Precision Locator keeps track of employees via GPS - Engadget -

Hack a Bike - keep on hacking in a free world!

Hack a Bike - keep on hacking in a free world!

P2P bike rental - Engadget -

P2P bike rental - Engadget -

Busted Tees : Jokes you can wear! Hilarious T-Shirts!

Busted Tees : Jokes you can wear! Hilarious T-Shirts!

Google Talk

Google Talk: "Do you plan to support the Google Talk client on other platforms?

We look forward to the Google Talk client supporting Linux and Mac OSX in the future."

Google Talk

Google Talk

NPR : Henry Jacobs' 'Wide Weird World'

NPR : Henry Jacobs' 'Wide Weird World'

smash's world: I'm on Google Talk right now. _ the offical homepage of Ben Guild (smash)

smash's world: I'm on Google Talk right now. _ the offical homepage of Ben Guild (smash)

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The DJ List

The DJ List

Google Software Downloads

Google Software Downloads

The Grape Fall

The Grape Fall This happened LIVE on a Fox morning show. The reporter on the left has an accident. She's obviously in pain and makes a weird grunting noise.

Meanwhile, the anchor people in the studio are so fake, they don't even know how to show genuine concern for the poor lady.

Sexy Girls - Music Videos, Entertainment, Games Videos.

Sexy Girls - Music Videos, Entertainment, Games Videos. Hot.

Warner Music developing e-label that kinda sorta gets it... maybe. - Engadget -

Warner Music developing e-label that kinda sorta gets it... maybe. - Engadget - "Yes, it appears hell has suffered at least a bit of a frost. Major label Warner Music Group is planning to roll out
an e-label in which the only method of distribution will be online -- there will be no corresponding CD physical product

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Apple's Powerbook G4 - Dead Man Walking? : Gizmodo

Rumors are flying that Apple is giving their Powerbook G4 lineup one last run around the track before sending it to the glue factory. Word has it that the last updates will include high density displays with a native resolution of 1920 x 1200 pixels, a 30mhz speed bump, DDR2 RAM, and a written apology from Apple for keeping the Powerbook G4 around long enough for me to care.

Apple to intro dual-core PowerMacs, new G4 Powerbooks and a G5 Mac mini? - Engadget -

Apple to intro dual-core PowerMacs, new G4 Powerbooks and a G5 Mac mini? - Engadget -

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Best Audio Books About Management for Human Resources Road Warriors

Best Audio Books About Management for Human Resources Road Warriors

$50 iBook stampede! - Engadget -

$50 iBook stampede! - Engadget -

Game Boy Micro to ship September 19? - Engadget -

Game Boy Micro to ship September 19? - Engadget -

The Odometer wizard "corrects" your mileage reading - Engadget -

The Odometer wizard "corrects" your mileage reading - Engadget -

Elvis the robocat - Engadget -

Elvis the robocat - Engadget -

BBC NEWS | Technology | Delay for .xxx 'net sex' domain

BBC NEWS | Technology | Delay for .xxx 'net sex' domain

The Japanese

Us Japanese are disturbing, amuzing and wacked out. Check out this video clip of a TV character named Hard Gay

Casio EX-Z750 test review � 2005

Casio EX-Z750 test review � 2005

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Modernmini, Modern Baby Cribs, Modern Nursery, Nurseryworks, Offi Baby, Modern Kids Rooms

Modernmini, Modern Baby Cribs, Modern Nursery, Nurseryworks, Offi Baby, Modern Kids Rooms




twentytwentyone / design magazine resource / design magazine resource

Apartment Therapy - main page

Apartment Therapy - main page

Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things

Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things

Google Moon - Lunar Landing Sites

Google Moon - Lunar Landing Sites

Cool Hunting

Cool Hunting

MoCo Loco - Modern contemporary design & architecture

MoCo Loco - Modern contemporary design & architecture

Dale and Thomas Popcorn - Gourmet Popcorn

Dale and Thomas Popcorn
- Gourmet Popcorn

LiveModern - Welcome to LiveModern!

LiveModern - Welcome to LiveModern!

Lumin gives Boulder solar-powered WiFi - Engadget -

Lumin gives Boulder solar-powered WiFi - Engadget -

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Post video, kind of Flickr style. Compare to

White House "Lost In Space" Scenarios - August 8, 2005

White House "Lost In Space" Scenarios - August 8, 2005 The backup speech in case the astronauts on the Apollo Moon Mission died. - Civic Forums - Ford CEO's Excursion - Pics!! - Civic Forums - Ford CEO's Excursion - Pics!!

A Walmart Movie

WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price

Thursday, August 04, 2005

McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Richard Salvatore: Future Extreme Accountant Endorsed by Gatorade.

McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Richard Salvatore: Future Extreme Accountant Endorsed by Gatorade.


digg What's Digg? Digg is a technology news website that combines social bookmarking, dynamic social RSS, and non-hierarchical editorial control. With digg, users submit stories for review, but rather than allowing an editor to decide which stories go on the homepage, the users do.

Epicly Later'd

Epicly Later'd

156 TENS

156 TENS

Tiny Vices

Tiny Vices

party photos

party photos thecobrasnake is most definatly not porn.. someone at your school must be playing a practical joke on you.. you are asking me to touch my html... even my past girlfriends wont ask me to do that till like we have gone all the way... your taking things a little to fast.. also you should go to a college that makes the homepage to the university server and then we can talk about html.... - Storm clouds gather over podcasting - Storm clouds gather over podcasting

Liberated Games

Liberated Games Free, legal games for download.

Whose Fish?

Whose Fish? This brainteaser, reportedly written by Einstein is difficult and Einstein said that 98% of the people in the world could not figure it out. Which percentage are you in?

MP3 Insider: The Secret Behind the iPod's Scrollwheel

MP3 Insider: The Secret Behind the iPod's Scrollwheel

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails Rails is a full-stack, open-source web framework in Ruby for writing real-world applications with joy and less code than most frameworks spend doing XML sit-ups

Being a full-stack framework means that all layers are built to work seamlessly together. That way you Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) and you can use a single language from top to bottom. Everything from templates to control flow to business logic is written in Ruby—the language of love for industry heavy-weights.

In striving for DRY compliance, Rails shuns configuration files and annotations in favor of reflection and run-time extensions.

This means the end of XML files telling a story that has already been told in code. It means no compilation phase: Make a change, see it work. Meta-data is an implementation detail left for the framework to handle.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005 - Forum - Bluetooth - BengalBoy & "The Kittens" Pull Out the "Big Guns" on NextLink's "Invisio Mobile" JawBone Headset!! - Forum - Bluetooth - BengalBoy & "The Kittens" Pull Out the "Big Guns" on NextLink's "Invisio Mobile" JawBone Headset!!

Megavoice - The Word of God, Encoded : Gizmodo

Megavoice - The Word of God, Encoded :

Om Malik%u2019s Broadband Blog � 200 KBPS is Not Broadband

Om Malik%u2019s Broadband Blog � 200 KBPS is Not Broadband

Orazio bests the Scooba by vacuuming, cleaning and polishing floors - Engadget -

Orazio bests the Scooba by vacuuming, cleaning and polishing floors - Engadget -

iPod My Baby, my god. - Engadget -

iPod My Baby, my god. - Engadget -

The definition of insanity.. The Music Industry - Blog Maverick - _

The definition of insanity.. The Music Industry - Blog Maverick - _

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Omega: Faculty

Omega: Faculty -- YOGA

Omega: Conferences

Omega: Conferences -- YOGA

Elevator hacking - Engadget -

Elevator hacking - Engadget - "Calling this a hack is way too generous, but TheDamnBlog has a little tip for getting the most out of your next
elevator ride. Apparently lots of elevators have an express mode that lets you override everyone else%u2019s selections and
go straight to the floor you%u2019re going to.� You just press %u201CDoor Close%u201D and the button for your floor at the same
time. Should work on most Otis elvators, as well as a few other models that are out there, but don%u2019t blame us when you
accidentally go plunging to your death (blame TheDamnBlog, if you must)."