Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Sorry Everybody
Mini Review: Firefox Damien Barrett, a Mac support technician who writes the popular Mr Barrett blog, switched from Safari to Firefox, and couldn't be happier:

"It's not that Safari is a bad browser. Safari is quite a good browser and I'll keep it in my dock. But Firefox is faster, cleaner, more extensible, and user-friendly than Safari. Perhaps Safari v2.0 will win me back with its RSS feeds and other features, but that's not until Tiger, which is still a good six months away."
Nullsoft, 1997-2004 - AOL kills off the last maverick tech company. By Paul Boutin
SimpleTech SimpleShare 250GB NAS drive - Engadget - www.engadget.com

Friday, November 12, 2004

PRETTY GIRLS DON’T RIDE THE SUBWAY They’re not sure whether it was an inside job or the work of some hacker who experienced a little rejection while riding the rails, but somebody hacked into the New York subway computer system and switched one of the electronic signs at the W. 4th Street station to read “PRETTY GIRLS DON’T RIDE THE SUBWAY”. Apparently it was up there for a few hours, too, before MTA workers finally just unplugged the damn thing. Could someone please get Jenny Holzer on the phone?
Gizmodo : AllOfMP3 Took My Money (And I'm Cool With That)

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Gizmodo : Gmail Enables POP (For Some)
The Gmail Team is excited to announce that, over the next several weeks, we are introducing POP access to all of our users. To make sure the feature is fully stable, we're giving users access to POP in phases. Once POP access is available to you, a 'New Features!' link appears at the top of your account, along with a 'Forwarding and POP' tab on your 'Settings' page.

Our team is continually working to improve Gmail, and we look forward to offering you new features. Thank you for your patience.
Wired News: Halo 2 Rakes in $100 Million