Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Fast Company | If It's Broke, Fix It Put yourself in your customers' shoes, see what's broken about what you do, and fix it. / Interesting fastcompany article. Typical Godin.

"What about tollbooths? If you live in the Northeast, you know that bridges almost always have tolls, which were originally put in place to pay for the bridges. But do we need tolls today? For every dollar collected on the George Washington Bridge, the government is effectively taxing the people waiting in line. That's at least several dollars in wasted time. You lose the time, but the government gains nothing. There's probably no less efficient way to collect a tax (and that's what a toll is) than making people wait anywhere from five minutes to an hour to pay a few bucks to use a small piece of road. There are dozens of ways to fix this and other things that are broken -- ways that save everyone time and money."

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